Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Russel Wong in Temasek Design School

Russel Wong in Temasek Design School

Today, Russel Wong, the photographer was in my school to give a talk. woah~ hahhaa..kinda childish, yes i know :P

But hey, it's RUSSEL WONG !!!

For those who don't know who Russel Wong is, let me give you an inside about this guy.

Russel Wong is one of the most profiled photographers in Singapore and Asia.
Described as a ‘celebrity photographer who also photographs celebrities’, Russel enjoys the acclaim of being the first Singaporean to break into the notoriously difficult Hollywood movie industry....

As his story goes, he actually started out back in his school days shooting with a film camera just like any young passionate photographer would start out.

He started out in sports photography covering world record miler Sebastian Coe, Russel went on to carry out coveted photographic work for the Nike Shoe Company, capturing luminaries such as Carl Lewis, Mary Decker and John McEnroe.

and my favorite parts were him running down the streets of Hong Kong with Jackie Chan searching for locations to cover for the front cover of Times Magazine. WOAH~!! ahahaa.. @.@

What a guy, i tell you. Like a warm hearted singaporean he is, Russel gave us very good advised and even inspired me alot to widen my areas and confidences. :)

Having him in our school was like a family reunion for our lecturers to catch up with the changing times. haha..speaking bout reunion~!!! CHiNESE NeW YeaR ARR~

Oh~ On a last note Plz do check out his website: www.russelwongphoto.com

thxz :D


Love lOVe~ :P

Gabriel Aloysius